Contestants (Punkie Johnson, Andrew Dismukes) compete in a classroom-style game show where they have to rely on celebrities for answers.
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#SNL #RamiMalek #YoungThug #SNL47
Erings Grace
23.05.2022Rami’s Pete voice was surprisingly accurate!
23.05.2022Pete davidson n lil Wayne wtf😂😂😂
Clarissa Benbrook
23.05.2022i love all the giggles and suppressed laughs in the background 🤣🤣
Donnie Harden Jr
23.05.2022"Ah-yo, where da Plinko at?" LMFAO had me rolling!
Gravity Gallifrey Falls
23.05.2022Rami Malek's impression of Pete Davidson reminds me of Todd from Bojack Horseman
Max Moroney
23.05.2022Not SNL playing the Snatch Game
Anna Banana
23.05.2022How did Pete manage this without breaking?!😆😂
Jade Leoncio
23.05.2022oh man rami's pete is so spot on
A. Pseudonym
23.05.2022"Next, an actor whose voice sounds like it's been changed to protect his identity: Adam Driver" killed me
22.05.2022the jennifer coolidge impression is so perfect
Pamela Sherritt - Pawsitivity People
22.05.2022I love 💘 Rami. He has such gorgeous eyes. And what an amazing actor. Robot and playing Freddie Mercury….. Watch it! Two thumbs up.
Ang Olson
22.05.2022Weezy had me 🤣
Steve Miller
22.05.2022This sketch would have been better with like half the impressions. Let it grow beyond just superficial stuff.
22.05.2022Even Jennifer Coolidge's IMPERSONATIONS are annoying. (I first learned of her existence via Friends. I've disliked her ever since. GREAT impression, though!)
Andrew Elias
22.05.2022Rami destroyed his Pete impression. He’s an incredible character study.
Eddy Green
22.05.2022Snatch game?
Abenezer Fetsum
22.05.2022This was the best snl skit by far. If you disagree, then toodles
Ray Rowley
22.05.2022That's not celebrity jeopardy! You can't fool me.
Rudolph de Rainbow
22.05.2022It gets better knowing that Pete parodied Rami around 8 years ago in a SNL sketch (Mr. Robot) Pete parodying Rami and Rami him is a great continuation joke. Well done!
edit : it was 5 years ago, not 8
Scott Innes
20.05.2022Ramis impression of Pete sounds like Aaron Paul
20.05.2022This is literally Snatch Game
Ryanne Barlow
20.05.2022This is hilarious, I've never seen this skit, but I always thought Rami Malik and Pete Davidson look similar
Lucy Garrett
20.05.2022Love that all Rami had to do was act as dumb and ridiculous as possible
Eugene Batiste
20.05.2022The worst SNL cast of all time. I feel bad for the guest. It’s vomit inducing.
Marc Vincent Klitgaard
20.05.2022So good!
Scruff D0g
20.05.2022All the impressions were so spot on here.
Damon Tripodi
20.05.2022This is underappreciated.
20.05.2022omg the real Rami Malek is amazingly hilarious love him
Asa Nelson
20.05.2022This nails John Oliver exactly
Eric Dreizen
18.05.2022Pete's a funny comedian & who's apparently enjoying a very happy love life with Kim Karkrashian. Which definitely proves, heh heh heh, THAT SIZE DOESN'T MATTER AFTER ALL!!!
nicole chinn
18.05.2022😳😶 @ 1:51–2:26
18.05.2022what season of Snatch Game is this?
Carol James
18.05.2022Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣
18.05.2022These are some of the best impressions I’ve ever seen on SNL! Definitely played to everyone’s strengths
Maisie Hatfield
18.05.2022that adam driver accent was on point
Jessie K
18.05.2022met george takei on a plane a few months ago love this
18.05.2022a few of the jon Oliver parts were perfect lmao
wowie 21
18.05.2022Isn't this just snatch game from snl
18.05.2022It’s funny real pete is man spreading while real rami has his knees close together
17.05.2022From a distance, I thought for a second that it was actually ADAM DRIVER. Great make up.
Psycho Zombie
17.05.2022if i had the screen off….id fully think that its pete
rami is good
17.05.2022I like how Rami and Pete just both did horrible impresisons of each other
Elder Acorn
17.05.2022Every impression was so good, great stuff
Azra Yüksel
17.05.2022They should do the exact same thing, but with the actual celebs mentioned here!
Andrew Gutierrez
17.05.2022How does Kenan Thompson never age 🤣
Bruno Macedo
17.05.2022Rami looks like a PUG
Tewsak Tewsake
17.05.2022But that Victoria this is true and Redd “Fat ass “ 😂
17.05.2022I didn't know 5 of these celebrity's name's, but as soon they talked I could tell exactly who they were supposed to be
17.05.2022rami maleks pete impression was top tier